Leucas linifolia Spreng

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Leucas linifolia Spreng is aslo known as Leucas capitata Spreng, Leucas cephalotus {Roth.} Spreng, Leucas lavandulaefolia Rees, belongs to Labiatae, Lamiaceae, family.
The Arabic Names for this herb are Leucasi, Sisaliyus.
The English Name for this herb is Leucas.
The Urdu Names for this herb are Goma Buti, Goman, Gomi, Guma, Mal-Doda, Tumma.

Pharmacological Actions

The pharmacological Actions of Leucas linifolia Spreng are Anthelmintic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-diaphoretic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-pyretic, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Aperient, Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Carminative, Expectorant, Laxative, Sedative, Stimulant, Stomachic, Tonic.

Decoction (leaves):

  • Sedative

  • Indications

    The Indications of Leaves of Leucas linifolia Spreng are Sores, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Wounds.

    The Indications of Whole Herb of Leucas linifolia Spreng are Cough, Nasal Catarrh, Jaundice, Intestinal Catarrh, Swelling.

    The Indication of Decoction (leaves) of Leucas linifolia Spreng is Nervous Disorders.

    The Indications of Flower juice of Leucas linifolia Spreng are Migraine, Cough, Fever.

    The Indication of Plant Past of Leucas linifolia Spreng is Swelling.

    The Indications of Poultice(leaves) of Leucas linifolia Spreng are Old Sores, Wounds.

    No Contra Indication information is available for Leucas linifolia Spreng.


    The Temperament of Leucas linifolia Spreng is 2nd order, warm and dry.

    Available Brands

    No Brand information is available for Leucas linifolia Spreng.

    Compound Preparations

    No Compound Preparation information is available for Leucas linifolia Spreng.


    Whole Herb3.000g - 5.000gN/A

    Herb's Description

    Leucas linifolia Spreng. A snail smooth erect annual herb; leaves radical, long-stalked twice pinnately divided, stem leaves sessile, pinnately divided or lanceolate; flowers small, white, in long racemes; sepals 4, erect, equal at the base; petals 4; stamens 6, 2 shorter; capsule 5 mm, ovate with a notch at the tip, margins winged; seeds solitary in each cell38:. The seeds are of a reddish colour, oblong, some-what angular and curved slightly on one side, surface rugose

    Taste Odor & Occurrence

    Occurence: It occurs in India, Malaysia, Mauritius, Pakistan.
    Odor: The odor of Leucas linifolia Spreng is Unpleasant,Pungent
    Taste: Bitter


    No information regarding Leucas linifolia Spreng's substitute is currently available.

    Active Constituents

    Leucas linifolia Spreng's Active constituents:


    No information regarding Leucas linifolia Spreng's antidot is currently available.

    Warning & Precautions

    Excessive intake or large doses of its preparations are considered harmful for individuals with warm temperament.


    Currently no Toxicity information is available for Leucas linifolia Spreng. (work in progress)